
Estratégia Ambiental, Social e de Governança (ASG/ESG)

Business model sustainability

Our role as leader in trucks, machinery and equipment leasing is set in innovation and commitment to sustainability.

We believe in the culture of use, not ownership, thus, we offer the best services to our clients through our trucks and machinery, pushing so leasing can be a reality, allied with our goal of integrating sustainability to our business.

Our business model is aligned with our sustainability strategy, which intends to keep our fleet as the most modern and efficient in the market. Additionally, we strive for Brazilian fleet renovation through the Fleet Renewal program, offering more safety to conductors and contributing to pollution reduction.

Our product portfolio includes low-carbon solutions, such as electric trucks and forklifts and biomethane-fueled trucks, which reduce emissions of global warming gases when compared to new fossil-fueled vehicles. Additionally, we have the VAMOS Zero Carbon program, which offers our clients the opportunity to compensate their leased assets’ emissions.

We concluded 2023 with 7.4% of electric assets in our fleet, considering 3,386 electric assets, which 3,325 of those are forklifts and 61 are leased trucks, representing a considerable increase in comparison to the previous year. Besides, at the end of the same year we had over 150 assets in the VAMOS Zero Carbon Program.

All of these improvements showcase our commitment to strengthen our sustainability to advance even more in the ESG agenda.
Get to know more about in our annual report: Click here.

Sustainability in our decision-making processes

Our sustainability policy orientates for the efficient use of energy and natural resources, avoiding waste and prioritizing new, less aggressive technologies to the environment, also establishing a guidance to social sustainability. The Climate Change Policy determines that we should promote and foster alternate and renewable energies, energy efficiency, proper waste management and conscient use of natural resources.

Furthermore, we have other politics that unfold in axes of management, corporate governance, social and environmental impacts and excellency in service-providing.
Get to know more about our policies at:

Material Themes

Our materiality matrix guides and guarantees that the company’s decision-making takes into account the perspectives of the different stakeholders. These different visions contribute for the identification of seven Material Themes to be prioritized in the decision-making process.

The materiality matrix was reviewed at the end of 2022, being validated by our Executive Board, covering the following topics:

Sustainability commitments

AThe Company’s sustainability governance is done through the monitoring of indicators by the sustainability sector and the Sustainability Committee, which assists the Board of Directors.
As a way of guaranteeing transparency, deadline and governance conformity of our information, we publish our Integrated Report turning public the company’s ESG journey’s results, projects and maturity.

The Grupo Vamos’ Annual Integrated Report is elaborated in conformity with Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)’s norms and follows the CPC 09 – Integrated Report Orientation, alongside Basic Conceptual Structure of the Integrated Report, elaborated by the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC), without the omission of mandatory information or IIRC-determined aspects; and SASB indicators, from Value Reporting Foundation (VRF). It also adopts the recommendations from the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and CDP – Disclosure Inside Action’s orientations on the presentation of information associated to climate change and management processes. Additionally, it also follows the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), linked to the 2030 Agenda, which relates to the indicators.

As a reflex of our commitment to the sustainable development and evolution in the ESG Agenda, in 2023 we accomplished relevant goals for the company, like the increase in electric assets, amplification in EDGE-certificated stores and environment-adequate destination of hazardous waste.

Moreover, we turned public our emissions of greenhouse-effect gases through the Public Emissions Registry, with the highest-level of governance, being a Gold Seal as an independent company since 2020.

In the climate change pillar, we contributed to the decrease of 15% in the emission’s intensity until 2030 through our holding SIMPAR. Additionally, since 2019 we have the commitment to neutralize our emissions in the 1 and 2 Scope through the acquisition of carbon credit thoroughly certified. Over 14,700 tons of CO2 have already been compensated, which equals to about 11,400 São Paulo to New York flights.

Alongside the commitment of compensating Greenhouse effect gases of the scope 3, we maintain Vamos Zero Carbon Program, which aims to amplify the emission neutralization in our value chain.

In the social pillar, VAMOS establishes commitment to social responsibility through its Human Rights Policy, which establishes the guidance to protect and promote dignity, equality, inclusion and the well-being of all the people involved in its operations. The Company is a signatory of the UN Global Pact, Women 360 Movement and the Mão Certa Program.
Regarding governance, we have a series of tools to secure ethics, transparency and compliance in the management of the business. We adopt rigorous politics in human rights, anti-corruption and integration with public authorities, aligned with LGPD (Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados – General Data Protection Law). Additionally, we have our internal and third-party code of conduct, a Reporting Channel, managed by a third-party, and we have a communication channel of the Company’s Compliance Program, dedicated to answering any questions about the code of conduct and about the Company’s anti-corruption policies.

