Message from
the chairman

In 2022, both the performance of our businesses as well as our advancements in line with the ESG agenda have reinforced the belief that we are an alternative at clients’ reach to renovate, modernize, and increase their fleet, and we are ready to continue the cycle of solid and sustainable growth and, thus, contribute to the country’s development. We have evolved in the different segments where we operate and on key performance indicators, having hired a Capex sum of R$ 5.5 billion and achieved hired revenue of R$ 13.7 billion, which represents growth of 97.9%. On the reseller division, the net revenue increased 79.7%, to the sum of R$ 1.6 billion.

Additionally, the company highlighted its achievements in relation to the ESG agenda, being acknowledged by the market by joining the portfolio of the Corporate Sustainability Index (CSI) from B3, as well as the Efficient Carbon Index, and also having received the certificate Excellence in Design for Greater Efficiencies (Edge) granted by the International Finance Corporation (IFC). The company is also proud to have one of the largest electric forklift fleets in Brazil, which contributes to the reduction of carbon emissions.

We continuously seek to reinforce the aspects of risk and control through committees. In 2022, along these lines, we have created the area of credit management and established the Committee of Credit Management and Asset Allocation, non-statutory, through which we weekly monitor cases of defaults, occasional reintegration of ownership, and friendly returns, among other measurements. In light of the high inflation experienced during the period, we were successful in controlling the rate of situations of overdue payments thanks to close monitoring.

Gustavo Couto – CEO


We are VAMOS Locação de Caminhões, Máquinas e Equipamentos S.A., an open capital company, a pioneer and national leader in the market of trucks, machinery, and equipment leasing.

We operate directly through VAMOS Leasing, VAMOS Used vehicles, and VAMOS Dealerships, with a stake in companies HM Forklift, BMB Mode Center, and BMB Mexico and Truckvan, dedicated to synergistic and complementary businesses.

Our structure

used car stores

dealerships, in 10 states


Our brands

Volkswagen Trucks and Buses

Premium farm machinery

Farm machinery and equipment

Machinery and equipment of Yellow Line distributor

Forklifts, pallet trucks and tow trucks

Commitment to

Our strategy focuses on organic growth, but we also seek to evolve in our ecosystem, eyeing resilient, scalable, synergetic markets with a high potential for cross-selling. Seizing investment opportunities, over the last two years, we have completed six purchases that aggregated value to our businesses, intensifying our organic growth rhythm and providing advancements in administration and management, maturity of internal control, and intensive technology use.

This form of growth is guided by goals objectives that express our commitment to the Sustainability Agenda.

Emissions management

• Providing carbon offsetting opportunities for 300 trucks, which equals 20 thousand tons of CO₂.
• 7% of the fleet’s adoption of electric assets.
• Reducing the absolute emissions of scopes 1 and 2 by 42% by 2030, in relation to 2021 (SBTi).
• Reducing relative emissions of scope 3 (total emissions per year/#assets) by 15% by 2030, starting from the base year 2021.
• Offsetting our emissions of scopes 1 and 2.

Sustainable management

• Reducing m³ consumption per collaborator by 8%, including acquired companies.
• Reducing energy consumption per collaborator by 8%, including acquired companies.
• Having at least three new model-stores with an Edge certification.
• Generating at least 20% of energy demand through renewable sources at our units, including acquired companies.
• 90% signature of terms of sustainable commitment by 2025 in third-party repair shops.
• Ensuring the dangerous waste created in proprietary repair shops are reutilized, recycled, or co-processed, in over 95% of overall volume created by 2023, and in 100% by 2025, including acquired companies – base year 2022.

Social transformation

• Establishing a Volunteer Program at local communities from the Social Vulnerability Index.
• Developing and establishing our own technical training program.
• Severity rate less than 300 - as per standard formula Qt. of days (lost + debited) * 1,000,000 / HHT.
• Reduce the Time Off Rate by 8% – 3.97.

Engagement and volunteering

500 hours of volunteer work.

Ethics and

We are supporters of the UN’s Global Compact.

We have signed the Business Pact for Integrity and Against Corruption, of the Ethos Institute.

We support the Women’s 360 Movement, for the economic development of the female audience.

We are sponsors of the On the Right Track Program, by Childhood Brazil and we are committed to the Business Pact Against the Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents on Brazilian Highways.

Our administration


Record net profit of BRL 668.6 million, 66.2% higher in the same comparison.

Net revenue of
BRL 4.913 billion, a 74.0% evolution.

BRL 1.933 billion income, which represents an 84.2% increase.


43,829 active in the fleet, being 34,998 trucks, and 8,831 machinery and equipment, a growth of 65% compared to the previous year.
• Analysis of 1,189 new contracts, and maintenance of 1,148 portfolio clients, evolutions, respectively, of 5% and 66.4% compared to 2021.


• Organic growth, with a total of 43 stores.
• Heavily performed maintenance, with net revenue of BRL 4.913 billion, a 74% increase in relation to the previous year. Highlighting farm machinery dealerships, with net revenue of BRL 1.6 billion.

Complementary businesses

Accounting for 30% of our revenue, since 51% of our leased trucks require customization.

BRL 330 million turnover, thanks to productive and commercial management intelligence.

Increasing our number of forklifts leased to 2.8 thousand, positioning us as the largest one in the segment in Brazil.


We have gathered 2,816 professionals, to whom we have provided a safe ethics-oriented work environment that respects diversity, with salaries that are compatible with their roles and the market, and the possibility for personal and professional evolution.

Level of satisfaction registered in the 2022 satisfaction survey.

By reinforcing our position in digital channels, with promotions on social media, we have recorded a 15% increase in completing online leasing business deals. Used vehicles have also undergone digital transformation, increasing leads by 490% in relation to the previous exercise.

66 points
NPS assigned to the after-sales stage, three points above the foreseen goal.

We have maintained the Suppliers Management project, the due diligence questionnaire, and agreement with the Code of Conduct for Third-parties – which forbids child labor and labor analogous to slavery. Partners must also adhere to our socio-environmental, labor, and anti-corruption commitments.

The number of training processes for suppliers that we have conducted in four Brazilian states.

In addition to promoting initiatives that seek to meet the demands of communities surrounding our operations, we have allocated resources – of BRL 654,296.00 throughout the year – for the maintenance of the Julio Simões Institute, which completes donations, projects, and relief efforts. We also participated in several fundraising campaigns, involving our volunteer program.

3, 340 kilograms
Amount of food raised and donated in 2022.


We have mitigated the negative impacts of our operations by reducing energy consumption in our operational units, adopting renewable energy, and fleet electrification by the end of 2022, we had 130 electric trucks, 29 powered by biogas, and 2,685 electric forklifts leased. With the Edge (Excellence in Design for Greater Efficiencies) certificate at the Fendt unit, in Primavera do Leste, we have achieved a reduction of 39% in power consumption in 2022.

Our commitment towards this resource’s preservation is expressed in our Climate Change and Sustainability policies. We monthly monitor levels of water withdrawal at 50% of the facilities that already utilize the water reuse system. We monitor the water stress areas where our operating units are installed. Additionally, at the Fendt unit in Primavera do Leste, which has the Edge certificate, we have achieved a decrease of 27% in water consumption in 2022.

Our business model contributes to the decarbonization process by using newer – and therefore, less polluting – vehicles, evolving in terms of fleet electrification, adopting energy efficiency at commercial units, and encouraging customers to also embrace this commitment, through the Vamos Zero Carbon program.

To reduce the effects of our generated waste, we monitor and manage the amount and types of materials we dispose at our units. We also map contaminated waste leaking as a risk during corrective or preventive maintenance at our own or at third party repair shops, reinforcing, among employees, how processes must be conducted.

Our commitment with Biodiversity is expressed in our Climate Change Policy, as well as in our Sustainability Policy, which aims at ensuring the sustainable use of the ecosystem and the protection of biodiversity.

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